Our 5th Ultrasound was October 15, 2009. Baby Pisano was 19W3D at this visit. This was the 2nd trimester ultrasound where the doctor took extensive measurements of all the baby's body parts and made sure the baby is measuring appropriately and looks healthly. Frank joined me for this visit because we were told we would most likely find out the sex of the baby. The first picture above was the 3D image the ultrasound provided us. This picture was difficult for the doctor to get because the baby had a hand in front of its face for a while. The first picture below was taken during the ultrasound measurements. And the second picture below is revealed we have a baby Frankie on the way. The penis is the little thing between the two legs near the xy on the image. Frank thought the leg above it was the penis! The doctor's response...."you wish!" We also got the results of the 1st & 2nd trimester bloodwork during this visit and our baby is healthly!
I love ALL the pictures :) Yeah for baby Pisano!